Each jewel created by Alessandra Polello contains a soul of its own,
tells a story directly to our heart
and turns into pure emotion

Wonderful Oz Wedding Rings
A new incredible journey, a path paved with gold but impervious, will lead us to discover what really matters and that sometimes what we are looking for can already be found within US.
A journey that will lead us to experience the WEDDING as our new home, because 'no place is as beautiful as home'.

Fedi Princess
Ogni sposa da bambina ha sognato di trasformarsi in una principessa con abiti sfarzosi, coroncina e scarpette di cristallo…
E quando finalmente si incontra il “principe azzurro” questo sogno può diventare realtà, con un matrimonio letteralmente da favola; come le fedi della linea Princess, ispirate alle più belle frasi pronunciate dalle principesse che hanno fatto sognare le bambine di tutto il mondo, Cenerentola, Biancaneve, La Bella Addormentata ecc.
Soul solitaire ring
We will remember some moments of our life forever, they will leave an indelible mark inside us, so much so that they touch our souls.
Like the solitaires in this collection, perfect to give on special occasions, because they hide a sweet secret: the section of each stem represents a symbol with a precise meaning, which would become visible only by cutting the ring in half.

Fedi Princess
Ogni sposa da bambina ha sognato di trasformarsi in una principessa con abiti sfarzosi, coroncina e scarpette di cristallo…
E quando finalmente si incontra il “principe azzurro” questo sogno può diventare realtà, con un matrimonio letteralmente da favola; come le fedi della linea Princess, ispirate alle più belle frasi pronunciate dalle principesse che hanno fatto sognare le bambine di tutto il mondo, Cenerentola, Biancaneve, La Bella Addormentata ecc.

The Essential
On really important occasions, when feelings are still pure, it is better to focus on simplicity, like children do, because what is really essential does not need anything else ...
A little star as a symbol of light, hope and eternity ...
A little heart, as a guide to making the right choices ...
Compose your choker or your bracelet by choosing the elements you like best ...

100x100 Line
Each of us can feel 100% on certain occasions ...
when in the family,
when he dedicates himself to what he likes most
or simply when he chooses to be himself!
And what are you 100x100?
Customize your jewel
Thanks to the special opening ticket you can decide to change at any time the writing that best represents you, buying one or more large plates, also sold individually.
And if you do not find what you are looking for among the 12 proposals you will have the possibility to customize the pendant with what you want to express.